
Friday, July 29, 2016

Colors by Llarowe Gemini Rising

Gemini Rising is a very bright green linear holo. The color is stunning, amazing, gorgeous, and all those other similar adjectives you can find with the help of thesaurus. Definitely the best green color in my collection. The formula is thick but manageable and it is possible to apply this polish in just one coat. I've applied two coats for extra saturation. I wore this polish for a week, and nothing happened to it at all. I mean, literally nothing, it stayed where it was. That's an impressive durability for a holographic polish.

So where's the catch? Gemini Rising stains like hell. The stains are bright yellow and they stay with you. I've tried a nail polish remover without acetone, then the polish remover with acetone. I've tried citric acid. I've tried toothpaste just for the sake of it. Awful. My nails are yellow on their own because I always use colored nail polish. But never have I ever gotten such vivid stains.

The Colors by Llarowe brush is another point worth mentioning. As for me, it's even more terrifying that those lemony stains. The brush is gigantic, and my nails are pretty small and curved. The brush in Gemini Rising was more or less okay, but in my other CbL... well, I wouldn't call it a brush. Witch's broom, that's what it was. Perfectly round brush with a diameter of more than a half cm. That's bigger than my thumb nail!

As usual, press 'read more' for more photos~

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